
Sunday, December 23, 2012


Should the slider tool get an update? Let me know.


gastondom said...

For me yes for the reason that you know... but for you it depends from your free time and the respect that you deserve by doing this and by taking your free time to help the community to mod their games.If you don't i think most of people would understand why you don't do this if we look what happened and what was saying in the last topics

2K13 Fan said...

Please Update The My CAREER Save Editor

Unknown said...

Can You Find A 2k server get around for your tools can reach their full potential because though there good they would be great if you can earn Vc If You can you can if you cant you still cool with me and you should make a easier way for this.

Anonymous said...

Yes sir and compatible with windows 8

ShayaanKhan said...

It's great. but little things like restoring defaults and a maxing or zeroing option for each option would be great!

ShayaanKhan said...

And what exactly are the hidden sliders for?

Anonymous said...

I say yes but it's really up to you.

Alex said...

Hi Lazy,
The slider tool has a great interface and is basically perfect. please update the MyCareer SE so that it is compatible with later rosters. Also i have been havong problems with the Height, Weight, CFID, uncap and initiator features on the tool. if you could fix the uncap that would be awesome. Love your work, merry christmas and i will have 50$ coming your way sometime in january. also what do the hidden sliders do?

Anonymous said...

yea I am not sure what if using this tool is the cause of my problems but after I finish the season and go into the offseason it freezes every single time. I also tried the madden tool you made and does the same thing.

Unknown said...

Yes it should be, there was problems with a lot of people saving from the tool.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lazy,

This might be off topic but would you be willing to update the list of Cyber face ID's and breakdown how to change the cyberface of your MyPLAYER in NBA 2K13 with your tool? I would greatly appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

yeah lazy update the my career se plz and if you can findsomething to hack the vc that will be AWSOME

Unknown said...

I think that updating the SE tool would be a great idea. You can update it to work with the new rosters, possibly fix some bugs with the original, and make it work for windows 8. Of course, it all matters on your free time and whether you want to.

Anonymous said...

yes please, can you make it so we can make the sliders for players ZERO and not only 10? mostly for fatigue and the fouls. Would be much appreciated, love what you do here.

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