
Saturday, September 15, 2012


UPDATED : 9/19/2012
Change log: Added coach mode XP(s)
To get the update just click "File" then Check for update. Simple.

***Special Thanks to iH8 frost for being the one to make this all happen***

Go here to get the editor : MADDEN NFL 13 EDITOR


Bakes said...

Still having trouble getting this to work. I've been modding since 2009 so I know what I'm doing, but this just isn't working for me. I open my file, don't even mod to the max, hit save. Load the file on madden and the xp is still default.


Bakes said...
Still having trouble getting this to work. I've been modding since 2009 so I know what I'm doing, but this just isn't working for me. I open my file, don't even mod to the max, hit save. Load the file on madden and the xp is still default.

A:This is what some one told me read the quotes

"I just used the updated tool, my coach and legacy xp works great. The only thing is the the player xp in coach mode don't work. I also tried the player mode xp that didn't change. In player mode xp I used active player, and that might be the problem. I have heard that you need to create a player for the xp to work"

"Ok,maybe it was said some place that,coach xp in coach mode only works for created coaches.Just made a fresh career save,and used created coach.The coach xp mod worked this time,but legacy did not,prob because the save started a "0".Strange that xp worked from "0".Don't think players in coach mode will ever be done,which is I really care about."

Bakes said...

Maybe I'm missing something in that but it still seems fuzzy to me. I created a new player, did 1 practice and got some xp. (1100). I loaded that player into the mod tool, and the xp still read 0. I read on xboxmb that some people got it to work, guess I'm one of those that still can't figure it out. It's 4 steps but something isn't working out for me.


Bakes said...
Maybe I'm missing something in that but it still seems fuzzy to me. I created a new player, did 1 practice and got some xp. (1100). I loaded that player into the mod tool, and the xp still read 0. I read on xboxmb that some people got it to work, guess I'm one of those that still can't figure it out. It's 4 steps but something isn't working out for me.

A: I sure it works even after the patch. Makes sure your not hurting yourself by doing the same thing over and over.

Bakes said...

I noticed that the directions state to open the file, but non extracted. Now I use Xport360 to open my hard drive and move files around, which means they get extracted to the desktop. Is that where the problem is? That's the only thing I can think of.


Bakes said...
I noticed that the directions state to open the file, but non extracted. Now I use Xport360 to open my hard drive and move files around, which means they get extracted to the desktop. Is that where the problem is? That's the only thing I can think of.

A: When I say non-extracted I mean dont go into modio then click folder content and extract the file in there to use on the tool. you doing the right steps maybe ur not using a created player. Send me ur file tell me your values eg:xp. legacy .All values.Send to

Bakes said...

Sorry I haven't gotten back to you. Been busy and then got caught up with FIFA these past few days. I'll send you my file tomorrow if that's ok.

Unknown said...

Im Having Trouble Also Can You Help

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