
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

NBA 2k12 SE Update (Preview)

NBA 2k 12 SE Update
**Coming Friday 1/6/2012**
**Pics Updated  1/4/2012**
**Right click and view pic in new tab to see a larger image of it**

I tested tool on default roster and custom roster on both the 2k latest update and without the latest update and everything is in working order( I will continue to test some more). If you are using someone roster that you like you should be able to make adjustments to your my player without having to revert back to a default roster.

About the SE update:
The reason the update hasn't been out yet is I need to match 2k update so it works for there latest update.Simple as that nothing major.It edits a bunch of things look at pics.Even lets you search for a player, there CF ID and  also a function to convert that ID to hex.


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